Monday, April 21, 2014

ISO...a special friend

If you haven't already figured it out, despite my not-so-good marriage experience, I haven't lost hope that I will eventually find the special guy that God intends me to be with. Ultimately, I want someone who love me in the way that I need to be loved and who will let me love him in the way that he needs to be loved. I want to do this right, trusting God and my gut-instinct in making decisions related to whom I get involved with and at what level I get involved at. I didn't do this the first time and look what happened. Thank goodness for God and His grace and willingness to give all of us second chances.

While I'm not ready for a full-on romantic commitment, I am looking for a special guy to have a close friendship with--really, a best friend. We would love each other as best friends do and hang out and do the things that best friends do. We would have each other's back and be each other's confidant. While I have my close girlfriends, there is nothing like having a close guy friend and being able to get his perspective on things. I've had those type of friendships in the past and I miss them.

As for the kind of special guy that I want, I'm looking for someone who is seeking God first and foremost. If he's doing that, then most other things will fall into place in the way of his values. Besides our common faith, we need to have some things in common. He needs to like to dance (or be willing to learn), enjoy being outside, and be a creative type, whether it be in the visual or performing arts. There needs to be a certain chemistry there, one that could possibly develop into something more than just a friendship later.

Lord, I am patiently waiting on You to send this special friend to me. :)

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