Tuesday, April 15, 2014

It's complicated...not really!

Just recently, I went to my doctor for a long-overdue checkup (for which I got a clean bill of health, thankfully). I was chatting with the nurse practitioner about my recent divorce and related things when she asked me whether or not I was sexually active. I replied that I wasn't and went on to say,

"Sex complicates things."

Being the card-carrying Christian that I am, I could've launched into a spiel about how it's wrong in God's eyes and how I didn't want to displease God in that way.

I would say that for the vast majority of you, you're already aware of that. Have you ever thought about why God takes such a strong stand on this issue? Sex is not just a physical activity, but an emotional and spiritual bonding meant to be shared between two people who desire to be together for life. If this bond is created too early in a relationship, it really does complicate things, especially if you decide to split up later. If you've got that bond, breaking up becomes harder than it has to be, no matter how wrong that other person may be for you.

There's also the issue of self-respect. I don't know about you, but I want to wake up in the morning, look at myself in the mirror, and be able to respect myself--no guilt, no shame. I don't want to worry about getting pregnant or a STD.

It all boils down to simplicity. God put these commands into place not to frustrate us, but to simplify things for us. Without having that burden on our backs, we have more freedom to love and serve Him and other people, which is what He wants us to be doing, anyway. Why complicate it?

With that being said, I don't see myself staying single for the rest of my life. I believe that God is in the process of preparing Mr. Right for me and at just the right time, the Almighty will reveal him to me. In the meantime, I am busy growing in my relationship with God, receiving His blessings, and preparing myself for that eventuality. When that happens, I'll know it, he'll know it, and God will bless us for it.

For those of you who are more visual-type learners, here is a simple diagram of where I stand on the issue:

God Bless!

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