Friday, April 11, 2014

Love is the best medicine

I love Facebook! I think it has been one of the things that has kept me sane throughout the divorce process and beyond. Not only do I connect with friends, I see lots of inspiring messages like this one that really struck me enough that I had to share it here.

Obviously, this quote is referring to the power of a romantic relationship. In that context, I totally agree with it when you're with a person who is right for you. I've also personally seen the power of this message in the context of platonic friendships.

Regardless of the type of relationship, I see the love that goes into those wounds as medicine for the soul. In the physical sense, the medicine itself doesn't heal the wounds, but assists the body in healing itself. It's no different when it comes to wounds of the heart and soul. Ultimately, the healing comes from within and above, but when friends and loved ones fill those psychic wounds with the medicine of their love, the healing process will be an easier one.

Don't be afraid to reach out to the hurting friend. Your love and support may be just the medicine that they need to get through their tough times. If you're the one who's hurting, don't be afraid to reach out to your friends. Chances are, they've got the God-given medicine you need to help you heal.

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